Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday morning

Her night was long. Even though she's not coherent she still gets really agitated about the ventilator. They act like its a good sign that she's showing such a strong reaction, which I'm glad about too, but watching her cough and struggle to breathe has been the worst. By morning Bob and I were ready to take it out ourselves. After her heart rate went crazy high they realized she wasn't going to settle down until it was out, so they finally removed it. Just watching her be able to breathe on her own is about the happiest thing I can think of. She's resting really peacefully now. I'm so glad that tube is gone, not only because it was the most miserable thing ever,  but I feel now we can really cut back on the sedatives and see if she ll come around today. I hope!
Bob and I take turns at night sleeping in a chair that's right next to her and then the other will go sleep in a little sleep room that's right outside of the unit. It's actually our sleep/cry room now but last night we actually both slept a little and I'm hoping we can be a little more calm and rational today. Some of the medical teams were beginning to look at us with fear in their eyes. Ha ha Actually that's true.  Last night I really wanted to punch someone, it didn't really matter who. Bob has been a lot more level headed and he's been so strong! I am grateful for him beyond words. I'm also so grateful to Heavenly Father for helping us. I really do know He is with us every step of the way.


  1. I am glad she can breathe on her own:)I will see you soon Hannah, I love you❤ I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers❤

  2. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you and Hannah. Be strong and know you and she are loved.

  3. Hannah! I love you so, so much! I miss you, and we are all praying for you morning and night, and many times in between. Our family fasted for you, and put your name on the prayer roll at the temple. You are such a wonderful friend, and I hope that even though you might be "out of it" right now that you can feel of our love and prayers to help sustain you. It's been wonderful to hear your family's testimony at the end of each blog post, and how the Lord is watching over you. He's really performed many mighty miracles in your life, as well as mine, and I know He loves us both very much. I've been praying for your family (and you) to be comforted, and for those who are helping you to be guided as to what to do, etc. Thank you for your Christlike love and friendship and for all of the good memories we've had together. You are a light, example, positive influence, and a Godsend in my life! I am so grateful to know you. Love you so, dear friend!! Please get well soon! <3 Miriam Millet

  4. Lisa I volunteer my dad. You can punch him! And Hannah we are praying for you and hope today brings good things! Lots of love for everyone!

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hahaha you are hilarious hahaha. -megan

  5. Can't wait to see your beautiful smile again Hannah! We love you girl. πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
