Saturday, February 25, 2017

Saturday morning

Ohhh this therapy is going to be grueling business.  I trust these therapists know what they are doing but it's sure hard to watch them push her when she's exhausted and trying so hard.  She's a trooper though-she just keeps going.  Today after physical therapy she was so sad and frustrated.  Everyone who helps with therapy is great to celebrate her accomplishments but I can tell she is pretty discouraged with how hard it is to do the smallest of things, and she is probably disgusted that we are cheering for such seemingly small things.  She gave us a look today like REALLY, you are cheering for THAT? PLEEEEASSSE.  Sometimes I wish I wasn't able to read her mind so well.
Jordan wasn't able to come today because the brakes on his car were having issues and then both of his kids got sick.  Everyone was disappointed but he needs to be home helping his little family.  I feel bad that my kids feel so torn all the time.  I know it seems wrong in their minds to try and get back to a semi-normal existence when their lives feel anything but normal, but this is going to be going on for awhile and their lives just can't be put on hold indefinitely.  I know we will always be there for each other, even if physically it's not always possible.  So everyone quit feeling guilty!
Bob just said to Hannah, "I keep seeing these shirts that say, 'I survived cancer!' I think I'm going to have a shirt made for you that says, 'I survived a stroke!'  ha ha That got her to laugh and to give me the look, "Is he for real?!" Yeah,  somehow I can't picture her wearing such a shirt-she's got way too much fashion sense AND she's too humble. ha ha
We are having people sign her new high tops.  Sierra was up here one night and we decided Hannah's new shoes were going to be the shoes she learns to walk in again, and so it seemed right to have her fan club sign them.  Her Victory Shoes!!! They will be a cool keep sake.
Bob ran into a former nurse of Hannah's.  She was telling him that when she was 17 she was in a horrible car accident and had severe brain damage.  She said she can't really remember one year of her life, but she made a full recovery.  She said it took her 6 months to talk, and another 6 months for everything else to fall into place-But she did it!  She went on to be the top graduate of her nursing class. We have heard so many stories like this and I can't even tell you how much hope they give us.  The brain is a pretty amazing organ, and hopefully Hannah's will someday (in the very near future) restore itself.  We will just keep thinking positively and praying with faith.  We also have had a few doctors who came in and dropped these bombs on us about what her possible limitations could be.  This was right after we found out about her stroke.  The worst things they said have already proven to be untrue.  But it just boggles my mind how they can casually say such things.  I know they are trying to give you the worse case scenario just to prepare you,  but really. . . It feels like they have slammed you over the head with a 2x4 and they continue on-like no big deal.  Unbelievable.  They must have missed the memo on tact and compassion.  They are the exception though-the great majority of medical people here have been 100% kind, understanding, and compassionate. But what I was going to say before I got off on that tangent was that I have come to see we have a limited amount of emotional energy.  And we only have the strength to focus on the positive right now.  I don't have the time or energy to hear all the negative stuff.  I don't think we are being unrealistic. We are not blind to the situation, but I think we just have to focus on Hannah's possibilities right now, and nothing more.  I told Meg to hang a sign on our door stating that if you don't have anything positive to say, stay out.  Of course, that was not my actual wording.  It was a tad bit stronger but you all get the idea.  Ha ha Thank you all for being so positive, for praying, for sending your good thoughts and kind words our way.  You' re the best-I mean that.  We are so blessed to have you all in our lives.  Thank you.  Much love, Lisa


  1. I can just imagine how frustrated Hannah feels when she is unable to do a somthing that was once a simple task. I watched my Dad go through that and it was painful. We too are cheering her on with every little victory and feel confident the Lord will bless her with the strength she needs to endure.

  2. We have been praying for you Hannah - and your family. We know that this is another mountain to climb that you were not expecting. But we have every confidence in your amazingly strong spirit, your wonderful family, and your faith in the Lord. Miracles happen every day - and you are truly a daily miracle. You inspire us and so many other people to never give up - keep believing - keep trying - keep the faith. Go Forth With Faith! We send you our prayers, our love, and our Angels.❤ President & Sister Stevens
