Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday night

Today was a great day.  Things seems so much easier when the family is here.  Lots of people to entertain her and keep her mind off things.  She is starting to get back her appetite and will suddenly get some really crazy cravings.  Her dad and brothers spent a good chunk time running to get her whatever sounded good.  I think she is really starting to like all this TLC.  She might come home a spoiled girl???
She was sad when her dad and brothers left tonight.  She told Bob she just wanted to go home with him.  He had to leave fast before he started crying.  But she usually doesn't stay in a sad state of mind for too long and she was fine when she went to sleep.
Her memory from before the stroke seems to all be intact (for which I am so grateful)!  But things that happened after are still a big blur.  Every day she will ask us what happened.  We explain it over and over but she always forgets.  So it seems everyday the word "stroke" will comes up, either in the course of our conversations or by a Dr. or nurse, and everyday she says, "I had a stroke?!" She is always so shocked to learn (once again) what happened.  It's sad because every time it is like it's the first time she's hearing it and she gets so upset.  Taylor got to explain it for the last time tonight and he was so patient and loving with her.  Anyway, I talked to some nurses about it and they seemed to think this will all improve with more time.  It's weird though because most things she seems to have no problem remembering.  But once in awhile there is something that she forgets over and over.  A good friend gave her some really cute Converse high tops this week that she loves.  She's had lots of people in her room this weekend and they keep commenting about how much they like the shoes.  Every time she will look at them and say, "those are mine?!" And every time she gets super excited and I tell her who gave them to her and she is so happy.  ha ha  (So Makelle-you can be happy knowing your gift is one of those that just keeps on giving. . .)  Meg says we are living the movie 'Fifty First Dates." True!  But hopefully this will pass. I'm sure it has to feel so scary to be so confused.
She is really excited tonight because we think by morning she will have her new niece or nephew!!! I can't think of anything that could make her happier.  So glad that we are getting another precious baby in our family to love.  Can't wait!
Hope you all had a great weekend.  We sure miss everyone.  Thank you so much for all your encouragement and love.  You're the best!


  1. I Love, Love LOVE the pictures!!!! So good to see her up and dressed and to see that sweet, sweet smile of hers!
    What a wonderful weekend! Good luck with this week. "Doing the best this moment puts you in the best place for the next!" She doing the absolute best! Onward and upward!!!

  2. More good news yeah!! I suspect her short term memory will improve simply because Hanhan has such a strong will and determination to make it happen. I empathize with Bob and not sure I could hold back the tears either. So glad you had such a good day and pray today will bring further healing. Hugs to all of you!!!

  3. I love hearing these stories! So glad she's improving and I'm keeping her in my prayers!

  4. You guys seriously have the greatest attitude! I loved reading this and the pictures were awesome too!
