Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thursday night

Sorry for not writing today.  Hannah's days are getting busier so it's harder to find time.  I think from here on out I'll just write in the evening.
She had a really good day.  All her therapies went well.  She still has a crazy headache from the magnesium they are giving her so they told her she didn't have to go to physical therapy but she wanted to go.  She's so tough.  They are still feeding her through the NG tube and then she is supposed to be eating meals too, but she never feels hungry because she's getting so much of the other.  I'm going to talk to them tomorrow about cutting back so she will get an appetite.
She's been trying to tell us her vision has changed.  I think mostly one eye but I'm not sure.  I've been really worried about this because the neurologist had told us that the vision area of her brain was affected but he couldn't say to what extent.  Anyway, today I was cleaning up our room after therapy and she was laying in bed-I thought she was sleeping.  The t.v. had been on but I wasn't really paying attention to it.  All of the sudden she says, "bad show."  So I turn and looked at the tv and it was some survival show where the people were wearing next to nothing-ok actually it looked like nothing.  ha ha I said, "Are those people naked?" And she nodded yes and laughed.  So I guess it's unfortunate she had to see naked people, but I was so happy because I knew she could see the t.v. ha ha 
Meg, Robbie and Henry are back.  Hannah can now go in a wheelchair to the waiting room, so she went a couple of times so she could see Henry.  It was so cute to see how happy they were to see each other.  Although Henry felt it his duty to try and pull her feeding tube out (I think he might be a dr. someday) ha ha He didn't quite succeed but still. . . OW!  Anyway, overall a really good day.  Sure proud of her and how hard she tries.  She's an awesome girl.


  1. I am proud of you Hannah for staying strong

  2. Soooo I finally figured out how to comment lol. My heart has been breaking for Miss HNnah. I draw such strength from her! We love you Hale family and are sadden that we aren't closer to give you hugs❤️ You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. May the Lord bless and keep you❤️❤️❤️

  3. I can just imagine how busy your days are getting and sounds like it's a good thing. Glad to hear Hannah has good judgment when it comes to what's on TV - way too much trash for sure. It appears progress is being made each day and although perhaps it seems slow we see the miracles and pray they will continue. Hugs for Hannah Rigby!

  4. I honk we need to change your name to Hannah Strong! I know my maiden name is Hale and your last name is Hale (might be related somewhere( all the Hale family I know are very strong willed and nothing stops them. So happy to hear how you are doing 💕 Hugs.
