Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tuesday night

We are getting settled in our closet very nicely-ha ha It IS really small but we had Megan take a lot of our things home and so it's fine.  The doctor told her it's not about the size of the room, it's all about location, location, location. ha ha  And she is close to all her therapies so it's good.  They said today that they are hoping to get her into the program by the end of the week.  I hope so!  She is working her little tail off so I'm hoping it pays off soon.  They told us it would probably be 3-5 weeks after she is admitted.  At least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel (although it seems like a pretty long tunnel sometimes).  She does well at both physical therapy and speech but the occupational therapy is really hard.  I think most everything she does in there deals with her brain's processing abilities-and although it's getting better all the time,  I see it is such a struggle  for her to attempt to do things that she has been automatically doing for most of her life.  It requires a lot of focus and concentration and it totally wipes her out.  It's also really hard to watch.  Meg went with her for the first session today and I could tell she was pretty sad afterwards.
Robbie, Meg, and Henry went home today.  Now that Henry is crawling like a crazy boy and chewing on everything he can get his mouth on, we have decided the hospital waiting room really isn't the place for him.  It's hard on Meg either way.  When she's at home she wants to be here, and when she's here she knows that it's not really good for Henry.  But I hope Robbie and Meg know how much we have appreciated all their help.  They are the best!  I really don't know what we would have done without them.
My sister Margy, and also Taylor were here today.   Hannah was so happy to see both of them.  Taylor had her playing UNO tonight and Hannah told me he was cheating.  He said, "I was just trying to help her win."  But she wanted none of that pity stuff and wanted to play right, and then she won and called him a loser.  ha ha Such thanks!  Tonight I was trying to scoot her up in bed.  If Bob or one of her brother's do it, they have her up in no time flat.  But when I do it, I count 1, 2, 3 and on 3 she is supposed to help.  Well, what always happens is she moves basically NOT AT ALL!  So tonight when I was trying to do it she looked at me very pathetically and said, "You are weak sauce."  ha ha I admit it, I am!  Maybe while she is doing physical therapy I should attempt to life some weights.
One of her cousins also visited tonight.  Hannah and he have an interesting relationship and like to argue.  He was kind of teasing her and she was getting mad, but when he left she wanted me to hurry and text him and tell him that she loved him and his wife.  ha ha So Sweet!

I started this blog so I could keep everyone updated on Hannah.  I also thought that when Hannah is better she might want to read it to know what was going on while she was sleeping, and then recovering.  The thing I hadn't really planned on, but something that has turned out to be the best thing about the blog is that I have been able to write about the many miracles we have seen on this journey.  One of my favorite talks by Henry B. Eyring was the one he gave about journal writing.  He said that it was so important to keep a journal so that later on you would be able to look back and see the hand of the Lord in your life.  And I have become a believer in this.  Sometimes it is easy to forget the details, and how everything miraculously fell into place.   But when you write it down you can go back and see that it was all real.  The comforting thing to me about all of that is when you know He has been there to help you through the hard things of your past, you can also know that He will be there for the hard things in your future.  And that's probably something we all need to know!
Good-night everyone.  Thank you for your continued prayers for Hannah's recovery.

p.s. I so want to post a picture of our beautiful new grandson, but not only am I weak but also technologically challenged, so I have to wait until one of my kids comes-ha ha How sad.


  1. Yes, this blog has helped all of us to see the many miracles Hannah & your family have been blessed with! To me it has been absolutely remarkably how well Hannah has done under such trying circumstances. It's a testimony to what can be dome when you couple Faith in Christ with hope and determination!. Our prayers for Hannah continue and we think of and pray for you & Bob as well. Thank you for sharing this journal with us!

  2. I am so grateful for this blog. I love seeing her improvements and the fun stories are always great to hear. <3 Love you, girly!!!

  3. Thank you so much. So happy Hannah is improving and everyone is so excited to see her again. Love you Hannah!!❤

  4. Absolute miracles! Thank you for your testimony of journal writing as well. It has been a blessing for us to read your updates. Can't wait to see Hannah in person. Sending love and prayers. 💗
